iChurch4Life @ The House of His Glory

Monday, September 18, 2017

Non is Not None!

"Non" is not "none" and none is not "no."

What does that mean!?

The other day my son came home from school and said that he'd mentioned to a classmate (at his Lutheran run Christian Middle-School), that his mother the Pastor was not a Lutheran, but non-denominational.  She had no idea what that meant and he seemed to not have a clear idea as to how to explain it.

And of course, I got to thinking - maybe there are others (many, many others) who don't know what "non-denominational" means either.

Let me first say, that there does seem to be a generally dismissive regard for any congregation that is non-denominational.  It's as if some Christians who belong to denominations feel as though the definition of the phrase "non-denominational" is equal to meaning: despicable, deceptive, deficient of Truth or just plain Democratic.

You see, I have been disregarded as even being a legitimate pastor when I say our congregation is "non-denominational."  I know first hand why Pastor Joseph Prince of New Creation Church in Singapore, tells his people not to even answer the question with any thing other than "Bible Believing" or "Jesus loving!"

But let's look at the reason people ask in the first place... if they can identify which denomination your church belongs to, they can easily assume what you believe - beyond simply "the Bible" or that "Jesus is Lord."

This gives us a clue as to the definition of "denomination" and thereby, leads us in the direction of finding a definition of "non-denominational." Technically, the definition of a "Denomination" is an organization of Christians and churches who ascribe to the same belief system or structure.

In other words, Lutherans are Lutherans because they believe in the structure and teachings outlined and designated by the Lutheran church founders and it's governing board.
  • It's the same with Protestants,
  • and Catholics,
  • and Pentecostals,
  • and Baptists (Southern and Missionary),
  • and Mormons,
  • and Methodists, 
  • the Foursquare Church,
  • the Church of God in Christ,
  • and so many, many more!
The definition of their belief structure includes and implies "sameness."  A person gravitates towards a denomination because they look the same, believe the same, think the same or feel the same way about how to show reverence to God in a worship service.

But what one person gravitates to out of like-mindedness, is the same thing another person will reject because they disagree with it or don't understand it.

Therefore, those who are a part of one denomination, generally reject, exclude and do not believe that which another denomination does.  So as much as there is sameness and inclusion in a denomination, there is, by that same token, an almost equal amount of exclusion and disbelief.  And sometimes, that exclusion and disbelief will breed disdain and even discrimination.  It has even been the cause of deaths: just ask the Catholics and the Protestants.

Now I have to say, Universalists have created a denomination that includes everything. Their congregational structure and beliefs are based upon picking and choosing what they want to believe from many different denominations and religions, while promoting themselves as being all-inclusive, and rejecting, eliminating and excluding truths (generally only from Christianity) that they do not believe in or accept.

Therefore, a church that is non-denominational is one that does not function under a system of belief that fits a pre-described "religious" mold or belief structure of any one denomination in order to govern it's teachings or day to day organizational structure.

  • That does not mean that there is no structure. 
  • That does not mean there is no organization.
  • That does not mean there are no biblical systems of truth.
  • And that certainly does not mean there is no governing body.

Like I said, "non" is not none, and none is not no.

But what non-denominational is - and should always be - is a church organization that is inclusive of the whole word of God, governed by uncompromised biblical truths and lead by the Spirit of the Most High God, with a board or hierarchy of leadership that provides accountability and assures adherence to those practices.

That's The House of His Glory!
  • We believe what some denominations believe,
    •  and some of what they don't.
  • We believe what some denominations believe, 
    • but don't believe some of what they do.
  •  Simply put, if it's in the Word of God, 
    • then we believe it's true!

Non isn't none - it's ALL... of the Word of God
And none isn't no - it's ALL... of the promises of God and they are "yes."
(2 Corinthians 1:20)

- We say: yes to healing; yes to deliverance; yes to the gifts of the Spirit; yes to biblical prosperity; yes to speaking in tongues; yes to Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers and, yes to women in any of those offices.  

- We say yes to Salvation; yes to Righteousness; yes to Faith; yes to Grace; yes to Glory; yes to Power; yes to Jesus, yes to the Fruit of the Spirit and yes to the Kingdom of God.

Non-Denominational isn't none or no - it's yes to Truth!

Wishing you power, love & peace in Jesus Christ,
~Pastor D

Monday, September 11, 2017

Judge Not...

Hebrews 8:13 "Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today and forever." 

Yesterday - 2000+ years ago, Jesus came NOT to condemn the world, but to SAVE it - (John 3:17). Why then if He is the same today, do we believe that America is being condemned or judged through terrorism, natural disaster or war? The Heart of Jesus is to save us from all these and more: yesterday, today and forever.

Unfortunately, many preachers and teachers today - especially very well-known ones - say that God is judging America.  They say that God has been judging America since 9-11.  And that all terrorism, war - and even the natural disasters the country is facing more and more, are all a result of God's judgement.

They say the world is being judged for abortion or for people turning away from God.  Odd, they never say these tragedies are a result of God judging America for racism, or hate crimes or judicial crimes against minorities!  If you were to actually apply this reasoning, it's as if they believe God picks and chooses which of the heinous acts of Americans he wants to punish then sacrifices the lives and safety of other Americans by way of many various devastations that He also chooses to inflict.

I know that sounds ridiculous when stated like that, but unfortunately, those who say that America is being judged just don't know what they are really saying.  These respected, renowned and honorable men and women of God don't realize that many of the people they may be speaking to are Christians who are still hurting and grieving the loss of loved ones during 9-11.  How then do they justify or find comfort in a God who would use the lives of their friends and family to punish they country we all love, live in and were working for?

Even though I don't know anyone personally who was a victim of 9-11, I find no comfort in thinking God is judging America - no matter what her many crimes may be.  They are crimes that are instigated through ignorance, or through the manipulation of the devil himself.  And God has most certainly already brought judgment against the devil through Jesus Christ by way of the cross.

And Jesus came to save.

However, God, who sent Jesus to save the world from sin by way of the cross, has also made Jesus the Judge of all mankind.  

Acts 10:42
"And he [Jesus] commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead."

Jesus is the Judge, but He didn't come to judge or to condemn but to save.  So how does this reconcile - especially when there is biblical proof that God has judged nations, and He continuously judged Israel and allowed them to be oppressed by pagan, heathen kings and countries for their crimes against God?

Yes, He did - but all before Jesus.  All of God's judgement was before the Holy Spirit came into the Earth through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Now, the Holy Spirit convicts men of sin - and if men will not be convicted of their sin and receive Jesus Christ - our God who gives all mankind free will, also gives men and women the free will to serve the enemy if they so choose.

Terrorists judge America.  Sinners pass laws that go against the Word.  Racists, bigots and people influenced by the devil perpetuate racism and hate.  And they will be judged as individuals, and nations will be judged and separated.  But not not today.  And not yesterday up to 2000+ years ago.

And God will not judge tomorrow either.  But there will be a day when Jesus will finally be that righteous Judge God has ordained Him to be.  

Acts 17:31
"Because he [God] hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead."

And in that day God will judge according to who accepted His son and who did not.  Those who did not will receive the wages of their sin and their decision - eternal death.  And those who have accepted Jesus, will not be judged for sin (our sin is forever dealt with the instant we accept Jesus).  Instead we will be rewarded for all that we did for Christ, whether great or small.  Jesus came not to condemn and in that day He will still not condemn those who believe in Him.

But until that day, God will continue to bless America - but only as Americans walk more and more in the blessings of our Father God and the freedom of serving Jesus.

America is blessed by the blessing of the Believers who are blessed.  As we pray for sinners, as we serve our country, as we love our neighbors, as we heal the sick, prosper the poor, teach against abortion and hatred, bring Jesus to the lost and share the truth of the Kingdom of God we are being a blessing to all peoples of our country.

But it's not our job to be the judge of sin, especially if Jesus isn't.  It's not my job as a true Christian or a Godly Pastor to determine what anyone's sin is - and so who am I then to judge what is the sin of this country?  

Either way, I am called to love and to be a blessing.  And so, when I say "God Bless America" I know that will only be fulfilled when I do what I'm called to and "true" Christians in America do too.

Power, love and peace to all, and may God continue to bless America
~Pastor D