iChurch4Life @ The House of His Glory

Monday, August 24, 2015

CANDIED Christianity!

Remember "Now and Later" candy? 

When I was a kid - and really up until even just searching for a picture of the candy - I thought they were called "Now OR Laters."  And the Blog I intended to write would have only fit for Now OR Later candies.

The awesome thing about God is that even now that I know the candy is actually called Now AND Later - the message God has given me has expanded from Now or Later and I've got new revelation for us all that fits under the true name of the candy and the true word of God!

Hallelujah right here because I know what's coming for you and for me!

Most Believers live their Christianity like the candy is named "Now or Later."  And more specifically, they think about the promises of God as if they have a choice of living them now or later.
  • Healing: Now or Later?
  • Prosperity: Now or Later?
  • Peace: Now or Later?
  • Righteousness & Holiness: Now or Later?
  • Power, Authority & Dominion: Now or Later? 
Oh, before you make up your mind that I'm a "Nutter Butter" and there's nothing wrong with the list I've just made let me clarify.  Here are the choices WE give ourselves:

Now - through the world
Later - in Heaven

Now - through the world
Later - in Heaven

Now - through the world
Later - in Heaven

Now - through the world
Later - in Heaven

Now - through the world
Later - in Heaven

You see, most Christians and a whole lot of Christian Leaders really don't believe Jesus is still a healer through us as Believers in the same exact manner as He healed on Earth.

...nor do they believe that God wants us to be prosperous
...nor do they believe we can live in peace and be dead to sin in this "hell on earth."
...nor do they believe that righteousness is a free gift and holiness is possible in this world
...and power, authority and dominion seems to be reserved for CEO's, business moguls, and the leaders of the world and it's nations.  But Christians?  No - maybe in Heaven...

And no matter what, no one is going to let the WORD OF GOD convince them otherwise!
...and 1 Peter 2:24 regarding HEALING for us now can easily be explained.
...and 2 Corinthians 8:9 or 3 John 2:2 regarding PROSPERITY can also be explained.
...and John 14:27 regarding PEACE is forgotten or ignored.
...and Romans 5:17 regarding RIGHTEOUSNESS doesn't exclude our works of righteouseness
...and Romans 11:16 regarding HOLINESS isn't really talking about you and me.
...and Acts 1:8 regarding POWER was only meant for the Apostles at Pentecost
...and John 1:12 regarding AUTHORITY is unknown or misunderstood
...and Genesis 1:28 regarding DOMINION and our earthly blessing passed away in the garden

BUT... if we were to believe these truths and in fact - all the truths and promises of the Word of God as being for us now, applicable and given to us each already by the grace of God through the blood of Jesus with no strings attached and no work required, then we would be living a Christianity that tasted like the sweet life named after the candy "Now AND Later!"

Hallelujah right here because I know what God has done for you and me! 

  • We can live in biblical healing now on earth and we won't need to in heaven!
  • We can live in biblical prosperity now on earth and we won't need to in heaven!
  • We can live in perfect peace now on earth and we won't need to in heaven!
  • We can live the gift of righteousness now on earth and won't need to in heaven!
  • We can live in holiness now on earth and won't need to in heaven!
  • We can live in biblical power on earth and won't need to in heaven!
  • We can live in biblical authority now on earth and won't need to in heaven!
  • We are meant to live in dominion and blessing now because we won't need to later!
Why won't we need to later? Because healing; prosperity; peace; righteousness; holiness; power; authority; dominion and all other blessings of God in Jesus IS Eternal Life!
        ...Our Father, which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy Kingdom come,
        Thy will be done, in earth just as it is in heaven.

When we believe God's truth and walk in God's truth we bring heaven to earth and carry it with us into all of eternity. Eternal life starts now. Heaven starts when you believe.
  1. Believe that you are a child of God and a child of all His Covenant promises.
  2. Jesus kept all the the Covenant so that all the promises would be ours.
  3. All of the promises of God are already given by the grace of Jesus for our provision.
  4. Our work is for our Godly purpose and our purpose for work is to give not to live.
  5. When we give, God gives in return and in abundance so we can give some more.
  6. When we speak the truth, we speak in faith and faith manifests the truth we speak.
  7. And when we praise we give thanks in advance for what Jesus has already done.
...and what has Jesus already done?  He died on the cross, was resurrected and ascended into heaven sitting on the right hand of the Father so that steps 1-8 are unchangeably OURS.


Walk in power, love and peace ya'll!
~Pastor Deidre


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