iChurch4Life @ The House of His Glory

Thursday, October 29, 2015

COOKIE CUTTER Christianity

Too many Christians are just like these cookie-cutter churches... do you know why?

Because Christians ARE the church of God!

But God doesn't want "just another church" and he doesn't want any more "Cookie-Cutter Christians." God is looking for Believers that believe His word and will BE His Church!

So what does it mean to BE the church?

Well, it means that your Christian lifestyle:
  • doesn't have a steeple where you pray - high and mighty, lofty and lifted up, holier than those below.
  • doesn't have a cross around your neck as identification instead of a cross of sacrifice in your heart
  • doesn't have a door that accepts only members in and visitors if they fill out a membership card
  • doesn't have four walls and boundaries that serves only those within and not those outside of them
But when YOU are the church then your Christian lifestyle has church that looks like this:

...lunch with an unsaved friend.

 Or serving the homeless...

Or meeting strangers on the street...

 Or healing the sick, hurt, lost and bound.

Mark 16:16-18 - "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believes not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

Are you a Believer? If yes, then what do you believe?  Do you have the guts and the nerve... or the faith and boldness to be the Believer Jesus has empowered you to be?

Most Believers have a hard time just following the "Great Commission" from Matthew 28:18.  But guess what? The "great commission" is from the same conversation in Mark 16.  So if you struggle just going into all the world... how are you going to be effective in your own world?

I'll tell you how... "only believe" - that's what Jesus would say!
  • Believe you have been given power...
  • Believe you have been gifted...
  • Believe in the Supernatural...
  • Believe God's word is true...
  • Believe every word applies to you...
  • Believe you can overcome every attack of the enemy...
  • And Have Faith in God!
 I know.  You look at your life and you're not sure you believe me, right?  That's ok - you can find proof of everything I've said in the word of God. 
  • I dare you to look for it.  
  • I dare you to believe it.  
  • I dare you to live it.  
  • I dare you to step out of the cookie-cutter life of your Christianity 
  • I dare you to BE The Church God created you to be.
Joshua 1:9 - "...Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed...

Oh yeah, and - be different.          ~Pastor D

Thursday, September 24, 2015


There are many things we have a deep desire to succeed in.  A few of those desires vary for each of us - some want to succeed in relationships; some in education; some in mastering a sport or skill - like playing the guitar.

Of course, we ALL want to succeed on the job or in business because success in that area means more money, and more money means more of an ability to do the things in life we enjoy so that we don't have to work so much anymore!

And it seems as if this kind of success - no matter how much we strive for it, is so elusive, hard to obtain and full of challenges and obstacles.  Few of us succeed effortlessly - but we all know people who do - they are the ones who seem like everything always falls into place and comes easily to them.

Now, if that's you - that's great! But you know, the devil doesn't want you to succeed any more than the rest of us who struggle to do so!

And generally, that's the number one reason why we do struggle to succeed - opposition from the enemy! I know it doesn't seem like it but that's his trick from the garden: to separate us from God and keep us from succeeding in getting back to Him!

But when we do get back to God - when we do confess Jesus as our Lord and Savior and become a Born Again Believer - then the real attacks are launched against us.  And the devil doesn't want any of us to succeed in becoming WHO God created us to be; DOING what God purposed us to do and HAVING what Jesus died on the cross for us to have!

But thank God, that God is smarter than the devil!

God has designed you and me to BE like Him. Genesis 1:26-27 says we were created in His image and in His likeness; so all we have to do is succeed in BEING so that the DOING and the HAVING come easily.

As you succeed in being you, you WILL succeed in all other areas of life as well!
  • You will succeed in your relationships
  • You will succeed in your education
  • You will succeed in all your gifts, talents, skills and abilities
  • You will succeed in business, career and purpose
  • And you will have all the resources you need to truly ENJOY your life!
It all will come automatically, easily and without any effort at all when you succeed in you!

So, how do we succeed in being who God created us to be?  The Father is speaking to me about me even in the midst of me writing this to you.  He has already created us to be who we dream of being, and He's already given us the life we hop to live!
  • He's already created us with purpose
  • He's already gifted us with skills, talents and abilities
  • He's already blessed us with power and authority
  • He's already thought of our future and expected end
  • He's already called us, consecrated us, chosen us and elected us for the Kingdom of God
Now, how would you act if you believed that?  How would your life change today if you believed it today? No, maybe your relationships wouldn't change today.  Maybe you wouldn't show any success in your education today.  Maybe you wouldn't manifest any new gifts, skills, talents or abilities today.  And maybe you'd still be working the same job, wondering about your purpose and making the same money today.  And therefore you'd probably look around today and think, this is the same life that you don't really enjoy.

But God...

Or more specifically, but WITH God and the knowledge that with Him ALL things are possible and that He's already put all those possibilities in you. Then with God, TODAY, you can embark upon an amazing journey of discovering you:
  • Start discovering your purpose today
  • Start discovering your gifts, skills, talents and abilities today
  • Start discovering your power and authority today
  • Start discovering your future career today
  • And start enjoying the journey of discovery today!
How? By believing - no matter what you feel, how you feel, or what the circumstances of your life is today... Start believing today that God truly has already created you to BE somebody, to DO something and to HAVE everything the word of God says that Jesus died for you to have.

Your hope of success for your life is already yours because your ability to succeed in you is already in you!

And when you start to say to me, or to yourself: "But..." Then let me stop you with the words Jesus used when Jairus' servants told him not to bother with Jesus because that which he was hoping for was already dead...


Power, love & peace - ya'll!
~Pastor D

Monday, August 24, 2015

CANDIED Christianity!

Remember "Now and Later" candy? 

When I was a kid - and really up until even just searching for a picture of the candy - I thought they were called "Now OR Laters."  And the Blog I intended to write would have only fit for Now OR Later candies.

The awesome thing about God is that even now that I know the candy is actually called Now AND Later - the message God has given me has expanded from Now or Later and I've got new revelation for us all that fits under the true name of the candy and the true word of God!

Hallelujah right here because I know what's coming for you and for me!

Most Believers live their Christianity like the candy is named "Now or Later."  And more specifically, they think about the promises of God as if they have a choice of living them now or later.
  • Healing: Now or Later?
  • Prosperity: Now or Later?
  • Peace: Now or Later?
  • Righteousness & Holiness: Now or Later?
  • Power, Authority & Dominion: Now or Later? 
Oh, before you make up your mind that I'm a "Nutter Butter" and there's nothing wrong with the list I've just made let me clarify.  Here are the choices WE give ourselves:

Now - through the world
Later - in Heaven

Now - through the world
Later - in Heaven

Now - through the world
Later - in Heaven

Now - through the world
Later - in Heaven

Now - through the world
Later - in Heaven

You see, most Christians and a whole lot of Christian Leaders really don't believe Jesus is still a healer through us as Believers in the same exact manner as He healed on Earth.

...nor do they believe that God wants us to be prosperous
...nor do they believe we can live in peace and be dead to sin in this "hell on earth."
...nor do they believe that righteousness is a free gift and holiness is possible in this world
...and power, authority and dominion seems to be reserved for CEO's, business moguls, and the leaders of the world and it's nations.  But Christians?  No - maybe in Heaven...

And no matter what, no one is going to let the WORD OF GOD convince them otherwise!
...and 1 Peter 2:24 regarding HEALING for us now can easily be explained.
...and 2 Corinthians 8:9 or 3 John 2:2 regarding PROSPERITY can also be explained.
...and John 14:27 regarding PEACE is forgotten or ignored.
...and Romans 5:17 regarding RIGHTEOUSNESS doesn't exclude our works of righteouseness
...and Romans 11:16 regarding HOLINESS isn't really talking about you and me.
...and Acts 1:8 regarding POWER was only meant for the Apostles at Pentecost
...and John 1:12 regarding AUTHORITY is unknown or misunderstood
...and Genesis 1:28 regarding DOMINION and our earthly blessing passed away in the garden

BUT... if we were to believe these truths and in fact - all the truths and promises of the Word of God as being for us now, applicable and given to us each already by the grace of God through the blood of Jesus with no strings attached and no work required, then we would be living a Christianity that tasted like the sweet life named after the candy "Now AND Later!"

Hallelujah right here because I know what God has done for you and me! 

  • We can live in biblical healing now on earth and we won't need to in heaven!
  • We can live in biblical prosperity now on earth and we won't need to in heaven!
  • We can live in perfect peace now on earth and we won't need to in heaven!
  • We can live the gift of righteousness now on earth and won't need to in heaven!
  • We can live in holiness now on earth and won't need to in heaven!
  • We can live in biblical power on earth and won't need to in heaven!
  • We can live in biblical authority now on earth and won't need to in heaven!
  • We are meant to live in dominion and blessing now because we won't need to later!
Why won't we need to later? Because healing; prosperity; peace; righteousness; holiness; power; authority; dominion and all other blessings of God in Jesus IS Eternal Life!
        ...Our Father, which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy Kingdom come,
        Thy will be done, in earth just as it is in heaven.

When we believe God's truth and walk in God's truth we bring heaven to earth and carry it with us into all of eternity. Eternal life starts now. Heaven starts when you believe.
  1. Believe that you are a child of God and a child of all His Covenant promises.
  2. Jesus kept all the the Covenant so that all the promises would be ours.
  3. All of the promises of God are already given by the grace of Jesus for our provision.
  4. Our work is for our Godly purpose and our purpose for work is to give not to live.
  5. When we give, God gives in return and in abundance so we can give some more.
  6. When we speak the truth, we speak in faith and faith manifests the truth we speak.
  7. And when we praise we give thanks in advance for what Jesus has already done.
...and what has Jesus already done?  He died on the cross, was resurrected and ascended into heaven sitting on the right hand of the Father so that steps 1-8 are unchangeably OURS.


Walk in power, love and peace ya'll!
~Pastor Deidre


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Beyond Obedience

For anyone who is attempting to raise Godly, well-behaved children, you know that when they are young they need to learn obedience.

For the most part, their obedience is necessary for their safety.  But as parents we also know that a sense of obedience, respect for authority and an understanding of consequences will go a long way in helping them when they become adults.

Then, once our children do become adults, hopefully we can all transition into a healthy parental/offspring relationship that goes beyond obedience - one that possibly incorporates a kind of friendship that is still built upon respect, honor and love.

This is exactly what God the Father desires of us as His children.

When we first come to the knowledge of Jesus as new babes in Christ, the relationship with our heavenly Father is all joy and grace and giving and love.  But as we grow in our new-found Christianity, we begin testing the "limits" of rebelling and even testing God like a toddler exploring the boundaries of self, self-discovery and consequences.

And so, like the good Father that He is, God begins to teach us obedience - even as Jesus too, had to learn obedience.  (Hebrews 5:8)

But the prayer and hope of our Father is that as His children grow in faith, love, forgiveness and righteousness, that we will come to a place of relationship with Him that will move beyond obedience.

God wants to partner with us for the purpose of our lives.  He wants us to seek Him, yes, and rely on Him - not ever to be independent of Him - but to do so as co-heirs and co-laborers, brethren and friends of Jesus.

In fact, it was Jesus Himself that said He would no longer call us servant but friend. 
(John 15:15)

Many, many preachers say that once in the ministry we are not just servants, but slaves, and, like Paul - a prisoner of the faith.  But prisoners, slaves and servants are three different things - and none of them have any control, authority or autonomy in what they do.

Oh yes - we can be held captive by the faith - bound by God's love and the supernatural truth of His word working in our lives.  And we can be in faithful service to Him while still reserving the title of "servant" as one that Jesus chose for Himself and not for us.  This is what Jesus was showing and telling His disciples in John 13:16 when He washed their feet!
But the word says a servant does not inherit the estate - only a son does!

And as adult sons and daughters of God - He wants us to mature in righteousness, become secure in who we are in Him and go beyond servant-hood and obedience so we can move into friendship, inheritance and a true partnership with God through Jesus Christ!

Wishing you Power, love and peace - 
~Pastor Deidre Campbell-Jones

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Revelation of Thanks

"Thank you Lord for all you've done for me."

We sing the song, say it in prayer and dutifully testify the list of all Jesus HAS done for us.  We scrutinize our lives trying to put into words how Jesus pulled us out from the miry clay and brought us from a mighty long way.

And if you're like me, you struggle to think of something new, as if your gratitude is stale and insincere if you don't.

But if Jesus did all the work at the cross when He declared "It is finished," and if God has already given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, then all that Jesus has done (past tense) includes all the things we haven't even seen yet - and all the things we're currently praying for! (2 Peter 1:3)

Does that make sense to you yet?

God has already done everything He's promised He would do through Jesus Christ - when Jesus died on the cross over 2000 years ago.  So for the Father, we've already received everything we haven't even yet prayed for!

Wow... that truth should not only change how you pray, but especially how you give thanks and what you're thankful for.

As for me... I am thankful for every protection I haven't even received yet, for all the prosperity I haven't received YET, for the long life I haven't finished living yet and the health, peace, love and joy that is mine until the end of my days!

Power, love & peace...
~Pastor Deidre Campbell-Jones

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Life Back Guarantee

Did you know you can take a legal guarantee to the bank or any court of law?  It will stand up, hold up and remain no matter what.  If you've lost money on a guarantee, you'll get your money back for sure!

Ok, so what about your life? Did you know God has given you a fully legal, life back guarantee that you can take to any bank, court of law?  You can take it to your job, the grocery store and gas station too.  You can take it to school, the car lot and straight to the streets! And you WILL get your life back, guaranteed!

You think I'm nuts don't you?

Well, I'm gonna tell you something else that sounds nutty and I guarantee it's 100% true!

  • You have been enrolled into an elite school of higher education
  • There is one school, but many different campuses with different fields of study
  • Everyone is welcome, and it's easy to get into but it is very prestigious
  • However, when you enroll there is no real orientation - maybe only a welcome
  • On the first day of enrollment you are given a locker
  • Actually, it's one humongous locker that everyone at the school has access to
  • And once you have the code you can freely get anything and everything from it
  • However, everyone has their own door to the locker with their own combination
  • You are told this locker has supplies, provision, rewards, benefits and so more
  • However, you are not given told what the combination - no one is
  • Some people have gained limited access to the locker - others have free access
  • The school is set up so that as you learn, you learn what your combination code is
  • And, your combination to the locker is unique to you, your future and your talents
  • You are the only one to determine how much access you will have to the locker
  • Not only that, you have total freedom as to what you learn and which class you go to
  • And, if you go to class it's up to you whether you learn anything or not
  • You can choose to never go to class at all, but you will never be kicked out of school
  • You can switch teachers according to how you learn and what you choose to learn
  • When you choose a teacher, you might get an orientation at that time
  • Often times that teacher will tell you the requirements of that particular class
  • And you will be given all the requirements for graduation from from the school
  • Unfortunately, not all the teachers are good. It's up to you to determine who is
  • Some of the teacher's class requirements will be hard for you to adhere to
  • And some of the graduation requirements they give are not entirely accurate
  • Not all of these class and graduation requirements are supported by the school at all
  • The school only wants you to graduate with honors and looks only at your hard work
  • Not all of the teachers really understand when graduation is or the requirements
  • And, not all the teachers can teach you how to figure out the locker combination
  • Guess what? The teachers have access to the locker and have their own codes too!
  • Not only that, the teachers are still enrolled in the school as students as well!
  • They are supposed to have learned enough to help you learn and learn your code
  • But not all of them have so you have to want it enough to find the best teachers
  • And you've got to pay attention enough to learn everything you can to get your code
  • Sometimes you may have a test to see what you've learned, but the test isn't graded
  • The proof of how much you've learned is whether or not you pass the test
  • If you don't pass, don't worry, you WILL be given the opportunity to take it again
  • But when you do pass, that means you are actually LIVING what you've learned
  • And best of all, it is in living what you've learned that you discover your locker code
Remember I said this crazy scenario is all 100% true? That's because it's an analogy - something not real, to represent something that is real.  And trust me - it is all very real!

When you accept Jesus as your Savior you are instantly enrolled into Salvation - in fact, your Salvation IS your enrollment certificate!

But then, it's up to you which church (school campus) you attend, and which teacher (pastor) you will learn from - and whether or not you will learn anything at all.  

Life is what you are learning: relationships; forgiveness; kindness and giving.  Righteousness; redemption; holiness; and protection from the enemy.  And in your learning you should be learning the combination to the locker that we all have access to.  And again, in this locker we can receive healing, prosperity, success, bills paid, family members saved and so much more!

But again, you may be thinking I'm nuts!  And you may be wondering what all this has to do with your "Life Back Guarantee" that you can take to the bank, car lot or court of law.

Well, I'm going to give away 3 secrets regarding this school of Christianity that only a few of the MANY pastor (teachers) I have heard seem to know.  These two secrets are:
  1. Your locker combination
  2. How to use your locker combination
  3. How to receive all the blessings waiting for you in the locker

Oh wait - these aren't supposed to be secrets!  This is exactly what any good teacher (pastor) is supposed to teach you!  And, if you've determined to be a good student and follow 2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth," then you will learn well from what I'm about to reveal!

1.  Your Locker Combination is your enrollment certificate.  And your enrollment certificate is your graduation certificate.  Not only that, but your locker combination is proof of what's inside the locker for you.  They are all one and the same!

-  That means if your enrollment certificate is your SALVATION
-  Then your graduation certificate is your SALVATION also
-  Your personal combination to the locker of blessings is your SALVATION as well!
-  And, your SALVATION describes everything inside the locker that you have access to!

2.  Mark 11:22-24 explains exactly and literally how to use your locker combination.  You know how when you buy a combination lock at the store, you are given the combination code and then you're told to spin to the left, then twice to the right then back to left? That's the instructions how to use the combination and that's what Mark 11:22-24 states.
-  Have faith in God
-  Say what you want (2 things: Tell your "what" what you "want" it to do)
-  Pray and ask for God for what you want (Use Psalm 100 and 1 John 5:14-15 for how)
-  Believe what you say will come to pass
-  Do not doubt
-  Believe you have already received (and you will receive)

3.  And how then do we receive all those blessings in the locker out of the locker? We put things in and pull what we want out!  Ok, I know you are convinced I am nuts, right!?  All the things we learn from our classes (church services), from our teachers (pastors) in our school of Salvation is how we retrieve and receive all the benefits of our salvation kept and stored for us in our locker of blessings!  So what do we learn? Do you remember?
-  To Love... God first, then yourself, then others AS yourself
-  To Give... not to people, but to God: tithes, offerings, donations and good works
-  To Care... feed, clothe and reach out to those in prison, widows and orphans
-  To Help... heal, deliver, raise up, cast out and protect the lost
-  To Tell... going into all YOUR world teaching, ministering and being a witness of Jesus

And THIS is your guarantee!! Doing these five things is your take to the bank, take to the car lot, take to the grocery store, take to the job, take to the court and take to the doctor guarantee that in any given situation you will be PROTECTED, DELIVERED, HEALED, GIVEN LONG LIFE, SAVED FROM SIN, PROSPERED and MADE WHOLE - nothing missing, nothing lacking, nothing broken!

Oh, before you think I'm totally wack-a-doo... to protect, deliver, heal, preserve (for long life) save (from sin), make to do well (prosper) and to be made whole is the exact definition of the word "SAVED" - which, when you receive SALVATION, you are SAVED!

And finally, you might still be wondering how in the world does loving, giving, caring, helping and telling guarantee you all the benefits of your salvation? Or in other words...
- how does your enrollment certificate of salvation
- become your combination code of salvation
- so that when you work the combination of loving, giving, caring, helping and going
- you can open up the locker door and receive all the benefits of your salvation now
- and graduate with honors (rewards) when you die and go to heaven one day?

PSALM 112.
Psalm 112 is only 10 verses long.  And all of those 10 verses explain what I used several paragraphs to explain.  Psalm 112 tells you that if love, give, care, help and tell of the righteousness of Jesus in your life, you will receive protection from your enemies, prosperity, you'll be made whole and well, delivered and given long life and saved unto righteousness.

Yes, I could have just taught you Psalm 112 in less than half the time...

But where was the fun in that?  School should be fun, right?  And so should our lives - especially a life lived with a LIFE BACK GUARANTEE!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Just Living

So here's what I've been thinking lately - 

So many of us (including myself) have been feeling like we just want to live life.  There seems to be so many issues, difficulties, struggles and trials that keep us from simply living a life worth living for - and that's everyday! Never mind when there's an emergency!

We each have careers or jobs, families and friends, dreams and desires, hopes and aspirations - and a whole bunch of things we just simply want out of life.  But living out all those things on a day to day basis can easily be overwhelming at best and elusive in the least!

No really - think about it with me - 

Are you really living the life you want to live or are you just living?  I'd like to ask you if you have the guts to live the life you really want to live - however, you'd probably give me a very legitimate list of reasons, obstacles, hindrances and people who are standing in the way of you living that awesome life.

Who am I kidding?  I've got that same list too!

Romans 1:17 says, "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith."

Gosh - if it's that difficult to just live the life we've already got, then how are we at all supposed to just live by faith!?

...And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God! (Mark 11:22) ...And, He may not have said it with an exclamation point, but I am.

Have faith in God...
And Jesus said, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father...
And if we have seen the word, then we've seen Jesus...
Because Jesus is the Word. (John 1:1-3 & 14)

So what am I really saying?  
If we have faith in the Word, it's the same as having faith in God!

- If we have faith in God then we will have faith in 3 John 1:2
  •  Beloved, I wish above all things that YOU may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.  (Prosperity and health sound like a life worth living!) 
- If we have faith in God then we will have faith in 2 Peter 1:3
  • According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: ("All things," glory and virtue sound like a life worth living to me!)
- If we have faith in God then we will have faith in Philippians 4:19
  • But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (ALL my need - sounds like a life definitely worth living to me!)
And there are probably 8 other scriptures I can think of off the top of my head that promise a life worth living as well - scriptures dealing with protection, healing, prosperity, abundance, wealth, riches, peace, hope, provision, purpose and wholeness.

So, remember I started this blog with: "Here's what I've been thinking lately?"

So - here's what I've decided after all my thinking...

  1. I'm changing my prayers, no longer begging and hoping, but declaring and asking as if I've already been given what I'm praying for. (Mark 11:24)
  2. I'm believing that all of God's promises are already yes, and are for me. (2 Corinthians 1:20)
  3. I'm trusting that I can have whatsoever I say. (Mark 11:23)
  4. I'm confident that if I say it, God will hear it. (1John 5:14)
  5. I'm positive that if God hears, it angels will do it. (Psalm 103:20)
No listen, I'm not talking about some nicey-nice, give-it-a-try, and go back to the same old trying-to-just-live-my-life-ways! 

I'm talking new confidence...
New power...
New belief...
New truth...


And I'm standing on the Word of Isaiah 54:17 that no WEAPON, REASON, OBSTACLE, HINDRANCE or PERSON that is formed against ME shall prosper; and every tongue that rises against ME in judgment I WILL condemn!

And how can I be so sure that this new attitude will really manifest a life worth living for?

Because Isaiah 54:17 ends this way: "This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD!" This applies to ME and YOU! Believe it!

Again, I added the exclamation point... But still - this is the word I mix with faith, knowing I am justified and made righteous through Jesus.

Watch my 2015: I will change "just living" into JUSTified LIVING!

And, I "Triple-God" DARE you to JUST LIVE with me!

Power, Love & Peace, ya'll!
~Pastor D

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Introducing... iChurch 4 Life

iChurch4Life.com... Do you?

  • Community
  • Truth
  • Growth
  • Power
  • Relationship
  • Fellowship
  • Discipleship
All the things you expect from a good church.. why? Because the "good church" we're building is you!  At iChurch 4 Life, we believe that the church is not a place to go, and the church is not a thing to have - The Church is who you ARE! Now you can BE The Church wherever you are when you iChurch 4 Life @ The House of His Glory.

Organizations have members.  Kingdoms have citizens!  When you become a citizen of the iChurch 4 Life community, you are representing the Kingdom of God.  And if you become a Kingdom Giver and you will help us our efforts to build the Kingdom of God.

Check out the website to learn more.
Come back here to learn more about me.

Power, Love & Peace,
~Pastor D